Today I started slowly, but built up steam in my quest to rid the house of.... well.... crap. I decided to tackle the formal dining room first because my grandmother decided to give me my great grandmother's 75+ year old huge dining room table that seats 8, or more...I can't remember...possibly 10. It's huge anyway. I knew that most of the stuff in the floor in the dining room was baby stuff that needed to be put into what is slowly taking shape as a nursery, the other half of it was just junk that needed to be tossed or given to the charity store. I quickly filled a giant rolling trash can out front with all the junk that was just cluttering up the closet in the dining room.
Pretty proud of myself. The entire room is cleaned out, things are in their places (by things I mean nothing, the room is actually empty), and I feel a little more in my element now. I managed to muster up the energy to run the vacuum in the dining room and the living room, even took the hose attachment and cleaned the baseboards. That was actually in preparation for the day of painting I'm sure to have tomorrow since I decided to jump the gun and buy a gallon of olive green paint for the dining room. I need to do it while the room is empty anyways.
So few words for so much time spent on a project today. I did manage to dust the living room too. Ok, this is actually an accomplishment. Confession time. Right after I found out I was pregnant I started suffering from horrible nausea which lead to a severe bout of depression (don't ask, I bounced from medicine to medicine trying to control the nausea and that only made other things worse). I haven't had depression this bad ever. Yeah, I've had the 'blues' and been sad, but this was an "I can't get out of bed and if I do I'm going to sleep on the couch all day and not watch the toddler and not care" type of depression. It was awful, I cried all the time and couldn't even find the energy to wash the dishes much less cook or clean. Laundry was piled to the ceiling. Dishes were being washed as needed. The trash was piled up. I didn't even vacuum the rugs for weeks. And my endearing husband was right there beside me, encouraging me and loving me through it all. I remember one day in particular my husband took us to get some quick dinner at a burger joint up the road and when we got in the car and got 2 streets from the house I fell apart crying just knowing that we would NEVER make it to the restaurant and that home was SO far away and it was going to be an eternity before I was able to get back home and sit in my chair or lay on the couch. The doctor put me on Wellbutrin SR and told me to take it every day. I'm not superior to anyone by any means, but I consider myself fairly intelligent. For the first two weeks I was on it, things were looking up, after those two weeks I noticed I was only getting to 75% of my mental capacity and then things were fogging up for lack of a better term. Shortly thereafter I developed SEVERE hives all over my body which the doctor attributed to the Wellbutrin and took me off of it immediately. The hives cleared up and miraculously, the depression was gone. It's been slow getting back to where I need to be, as that incident has been well over 6 weeks ago. But I'm starting to feel like myself again. This will be my last pregnancy, so hopefully I won't have to deal with these horrible mood swings and hormonal changes ever again. I would not trade my daughter or the little girl in my tummy for the world, but the things it takes to get them safe in your arms are less than savory sometimes.
Dinner tonight was simple, leftover veggies and the husband grilled he and daughter some beef carcass I marinated in some OJ. Got the toddler off to bed and THAT'S when I decided to meet up with my friend and go to the dreaded Wal-Mart to pick up some groceries and the paint. Yes I actually used to work for Home Depot and yes, the Behr man had me CONVINCED that Behr paint was the BEST in the world, however... after the test I did with Behr in a single room in this house, I was so mad for spending over $100 for a 5 gal bucket of it that I will never buy that stuff again. Paint + Primer my behind. I painted an entire room with it, two coats, and the wallpaper underneath was STILL showing through. Phooey on you Behr. I'll keep my $100.
So that's been my day. Hopefully will be able to post some before/after shots of the dining room. I'm not much of a decorator by any means, so don't be looking forward to an elegant room with a chandelier, rich colors, and all the fluff in magazines. Paint on a wall, some effort, curtains, maybe a vase or two...yep. I'm done. Literally the room is empty and we've been in this house almost two years. I'm not proud of that. Hehe.
Well hope everyone has had a fantastic day and happy eating!!
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