Monday, August 12, 2013

More Crafty Love

Today I decided to finally finish the project I must have started about a year and a half ago; finishing my great grandmother's cabinet. I 'inherited' it (my cousin was clearing out Granny's house and called to see if we wanted to pick through anything) about 3 or 4 years ago and decided for the moment that the brown faux staining paint and green 'weathered' interior with copper hardware was acceptable.

Once we moved to our new home, I no longer thought the dated cabinet was up to par. I thought for a while on what exactly to do with it. I liked the green weathered interior with the worn spots and original ivory paint showing through. I was not fond of the hardware or the brown color, so I decided to paint the exterior an antique white and replace the hardware with black. Unfortunately, the cabinet was so old I would have had to special order the handles so I simply painted the old copper ones (I don't think they were real copper, I believe they were painted to look that way). I finished painting the cabinet and doors last year, but after I moved it inside, I put the doors on the floor leaning next to it and got involved in another project somehow, never finishing re-installing the hardware.

I have cleaned the cabinet out numerous times, open shelves in this house don't take long to fill up with stuff....mostly my husband's tools and stuff that needed to go outside because the shelf is right next to the back door. Tonight was the night, though. I had decided a long time ago that the cabinet would be designated as my husband and I's wedding memories cabinet because of the amount of memories the cabinet already holds for me. Also, because I've been on some sort of cleaning binge after discovering items in my cabinets yesterday that are useless to me, I knew that when I had this new/old cabinet refinished with the doors on, it would free up at least 1 1/2 shelves of cabinet space in my kitchen where I have our wedding stuff stored.

Unfortunately, I don't think I have any before pictures of the cabinet, so you will just have to trust me when I say it was crap brown with a 1970's green interior that stuck out like a sore thumb against the brown exterior. I won't talk about it too badly because my grandmother restored it for my great grandmother sometime in the 60's with these colors and new hardware, that's how long it's been since the thing has had anything done with it. 50 years or more.

Here are pictures of the after:

So you could say I'm pretty proud of myself. I think my Great Granny Smith would be impressed as well, I can see her little old and wrinkled impressed face with her head shaking and her lips quivering like they do when you have Parkinson's. Sweet Granny, I sure do miss you! And yes, I realize my refrigerator actually looks like the one from the movie "Twins." Please don't remind me how old that movie actually is!!

Anyway, like I mentioned earlier, I am on a cleaning binge. Not sure if it's a nesting thing or just because I decided to finish up projects and got pissy when I started realizing my house was starting to look hoarder-ish with the half done projects and wishful thinking collections of junk and trash. Grr.

After being the girl that went to school full time and ran her own store 65+ hours a week plus took care of a household and did her own books, chasing a potty-training toddler and suffering from a pinch of pregnancy fatigue leaves me disappointed that some days simply emptying the dust cup on the vacuum and loading the dishwasher are my achievements. However, I'm determined to conquer this ever growing pile of nonsense in my cabinets, creeping into my storage space, and plaguing my closets.

I wanted to take on the world today, but after an hour or so I was exhausted and had to stop for a while. I decided not to push myself and think that tomorrow I will simply take it one room a day. Even one room every 2 days would be ok with me. I just hate feeling cluttered. I hate feeling like I have a trailer-load of donation items for the charity store sitting in my closets taking up space. I hate feeling that I get involved in a project only to get it half done and get tied up in something else, leaving a half done craft or task. Seriously I would be embarrassed for anyone to come to my house, I have half of my pictures hung up oddly on the wall in an arrangement that was meant for a big family picture in the middle....however that was another project that went awry TWICE now. *sigh*

I've decided to take the pictures down and replace them with a new coat of paint and a giant mirror project that I actually DID finish today as well. Tomorrow's task? Cleaning out the front closet, moving my daughter and the baby's items out of the dining room, and getting that room prepped for painting and my other great grandmother's 75+ year old giant dining table that I so desperately need for hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas for my large family. Later this week I would love to paint my existing kitchen table black (it's currently ivory white, but the chairs I have are black) and get that back into place. All these projects to get done!

Well I hope everyone had a wonderful day and stays dry in the next few. It's surely going to flood here if the county workers don't open the floodgates at the dam. Oh well, happy eating everyone!

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