Thursday, August 1, 2013

Off the Wagon

Ok, so I told you this vegan thing is hard. Well of course, 2 1/2 days into the body cleanse and vegan lifestyle, my husband and I decide we are going to go to Golden Corral for lunch with the family today before my 20 week ultrasound. I went in with the best of intentions, but the smell of roast beef, fried chicken, yeast rolls with shiny butter tops, and catfish nuggets got the best of me. Hey, we go to Golden Corral like once a year-but when we do, all bets are off. As well as the vegan lifestyle apparently. I did not choose this lifestyle to save animals (although I have heard some heart wrenching, vomit inducing stories), or to be a hippie as some people oddly think, I chose it because it is a cleaner, healthier way of living and has amazing health benefits. When you can stick to it. I am human though, and I will have days where I mess up. But I had a good breakfast of Ezekial toast and almond butter, and probably won't eat much for dinner having shoveled mashed potatoes and fried chicken in my face until I was almost sick at lunch. It will take a few days to detox from the meats and highly sweetened caffeinated tea, and it will suck, but eventually I will learn that a stomachache and headache for 2 days is not worth the trouble. But for now, looks like I will be sitting here detoxing...again. I'm sure that eventually with practice I will have the willpower to 'just say no'. :)

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